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  1. Hi. I am a young lady of color. Like many females my age, I have some discoloration near my rear and I was wondering what I could massage into the areas besides lemon juice. Areas include: rear, knees, and elbows. Thanks!!
    -Big Fan

    1. Greetings, I am so glad that you came to this website as a resource for your skin care needs. It even out your skin tone, you should look for cremes that contain depigmenting ingredients such as licorice extract, vitamin C, retinol, and/or arbutin. Also, please be sure to wear a sunscreen of at least 15 SPF everyday.

    2. Carmisha West-ChestnutFebruary 8, 2013 at 8:50 PM

      Hello Ms. Cofie,

      My mom and I are so proud of you and your accomplishments. I have two cosmetic questions. Is there a remedy for acne and hair breakage or are they strictly controlled by genetics?

    3. Hi Carmisha,

      I am so glad to hear from you!!! Thank you for your kind words of support! I appreciate it. Yes, there are remedies for acne. Some can be topical and others can be oral medications. Acne can also be genetic. Are you dealing with acne and want to treat? Just email me at more info about your situation and I will help.

      Peace and Blessings,
      Eunice Cofie

  2. I work in a 7 physician clinic and am very interested in your products Please call me a 307 631 1602
    Thank You
    Diane Gudahl

    1. Greetings,

      We will give you a call this week!


  3. I read your article in the Tallahassee Woman magazine and was so impressed! What a phenomenal story! I am a pharmaceutical representative in Tallahassee, but I also have a business on the side tat I think you might be interested in! I am a single mom and it has been such a blessing in my life. You are such a " go getter" and these are the kind of people that are a part of this.... I would love to share more! My email is and my cell is 850-524-0278.... Lets talk!!


    Amy Odom

  4. The Chamber of Commerce has been asked to identify locally produced organic products that they may potentially carry in their store. If you are interested in being included, please send me your contact information.

  5. Hello, I am 59 years old but I'm told I look to be in my forties.
    That's nice but i do have discoloration that on my face; sides and chin that dates back to my 40's. Is there hope for me to find a product that will fade these spots or are they too old to fade?

  6. Hello, I read your article in Essence and you commented regarding "dark spots" and that pre-cleasing your skin using ingredients containing baobab and marula oils work. What products would you recommend with this? And does this also help with spotting on your chest and back?

    1. Greetings,

      Thank you for sending me your questions. Nuekie has a Pre-cleanser that contains those oils. It will be available on our website on Monday. Check then to make your order. Remember you are perfect in beauty!

      Peace and Blessings,
      Eunice Cofie

  7. Hello,
    I am hoping you can help me or at least offer some suggestions. A number of years ago I had a laser treatment for those pesky chin hairs. Suffice it to say it did not go well. I suffered third degree burns instead. As a result, I have very visible dark marks on either side of my chin and under the neck area. Also, ingrown hair has become a problem as well. After the site healed it left me with a whole host of issues. I pluck, shave, and numerous other things that I probably shouldn't do. I have been very apprehensive to step foot in another dermatologist office, for obvious reasons. If you could make any suggestions or know of any products that I could utilize that would help the affected areas would be greatly appreciated.

  8. Greetings to you,
    I was just reading information about you and your accomplishments are amazing. We need more women of color with an interest in our needs. My question is, I am an older woman of 63 and and still struggling with dark areas. I now have hairs coming out of my chin and was shaving but the area has gotten much darker, is there anything I can do other than shave. The Nair, Oil of Olay does not work for me. Can you recommend something for me?


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